CMP Media Incıs Netguide Magazine and Netguideıs online Live companion site has awarded The online MacinStuff Times a 3 star rating. David Josephson, Editor-in-Chief said "CMP Netguide rating of 3 stars puts us in pretty good company with the likes of Computer & Entertainment Retailing, Computer Currents Interactive: Links of the Week, Computer Reseller News Online, IBM , The Nando Times InfoTech, and others."
The MacinStuff World Wide Web site has been published for just over six months, with itıs routes going back to a site granted in the Ambrosia Cafe (³energetic Mac gurus who either had superb existing web content or a unique vision). After outgrowing the Ambrosia site MacinStuff relocated to itıs current home.
In six months the site has received over 300,000 hits, with over 140,000 hits in just the last month and boasts over 154,000 singular hits to itıs home page alone. Rated 120 out of 240,075 sites being tracked by Web Counterıs top 1,0000, MacinStuff has received and has been nominated many other awards.
MacinStuff Times published daily news items on all things Mac. All stories contain hyperlinks whenever possible as well as direct downloads for shareware, freeware, and demo software.
The web sites popularity, the costs involved in maintaining and updating the site daily, and a poll of itıs readers has convinced MacinStuff to begin accepting advertisers on itıs site. Josephson said "this is a great opportunity for Mac and Apple product companies to reach a core audience of Macintosh users."
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The full online Netguide review is available at here .
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