Commodore Vic 20, Apple Lisa, Netscape Navigator... are these dead or alive in today's computer industry? Test your knowledge in IDG Books' Dead or Alive Contest.
Designed around the book PC Roadkill, a comical satire of the computer industry, the contest features a brief quiz on the companies, products, and people of the computer industry. To test yourself, simply visit the PC Roadkill section of IDG Books' World Wide WEB site and enter to win a limited PC Roadkill t-shirt.
Read the Book
PC Roadkill offers hilarious, often twisted, anecdotes about the computer industry's brainiacs and wizards, giving you a humorous, insiders look at the culture that spawned the personal computer. Relating outrageous stories, famous quotes, and little-known trade secrets, author Michael Hyman takes you on an interview at a major software company, helps you experience the delirium of late-night programming sessions, colossal marketing blunders, tradeshow pranks, and airs all the industry's laundry - the lawsuits, the bugs, and the inspired genius.
Chat with the Author
Participate in a free live chat with Michael Hyman, author of PC Roadkill, on Tuesday, July 30th at 6 p.m. PST. For more information, please visit the IDG Books' Chat Web site .
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