Extensis Corporation announced Fetch 1.5, an upgrade to its media database application. Extensis recently acquired Fetch 1.2 from Adobe Systems, Inc. and rebranded the product as Extensis Fetch 1.2 on August 1, 1996. The new version, Fetch 1.5, addresses the primary requests of users by providing significant performance increases, advanced drag-and-drop features, support for additional file formats, and new searching and keyword capabilities.
Considered the media management standard among graphics professionals, Fetch 1.5 offers a quick, easy and efficient way to organize, browse, manage and retrieve digital content. Fetch catalogs digital files and images, regardless of the file format, location or the application used to create them. Fetch creates thumbnail images for each item and greatly speeds up the creative process by letting users search with keywords and other criteria to locate, access and reuse existing digital files.
Power Mac Native Addressing the number one request from customers, Fetch 1.5 takes full advantage of the processing power of the Power Macintosh, providing a significant performance boost to users working with digital media on PowerPC-based Macintosh computers. "During internal testing we have consistently seen speed increases upwards of 30% under normal conditions and performance boosts of over 100% during processor intensive operations, such as previewing images", says Randy Hill, vice president of Product Development at Extensis.
Advanced Drag-and-Drop Capabilities New drag-and-drop capabilities have been added to Fetch enabling users to: - Quickly import digital media by dragging files from the Finder directly into a catalog. - Move or copy items from a catalog to the desktop. - Copy items from the gallery to the pasteboard. - Drag files from Fetch into QuarkXPress and other applications that support drag and drop, such as Clarisworks. Extensis has developed a unique XTension (QX-Drag&Drop) that lets users place files directly in XPress documents. QX-Drag&Drop will also let users drag files from the Finder or compatible applications into QuarkXPress. (QX-Drag&Drop) will ship with Extensis Fetch 1.5 and will be available free from online services and the World Wide Web).
Improved File Format Support Fetch utilizes Apple Computer, Inc.'s QuickTime 2.5, which automatically adds support for several new file formats, including new multimedia formats and MIDI sound. Taking advantage of the QuickTime architecture will also update support for existing file formats, improve Fetch's recognition of digital files and enable Extensis to stay current with emerging technologies.
Searching and Keyword Capabilities - Keyword capabilities have been enhanced to allow users to automatically assign keywords based on the names of the folder or volume containing the source file, as well as to delete keywords from multiple items at once. - Searching has been improved to let users exclude particular files by specifying that a record 'does not' match specific criteria.
"By releasing the much anticipated upgrade to Fetch within four months of assuming the rights to the product, Extensis is illustrating its commitment to the thousands of Fetch users by providing the most effective and efficient tool for managing digital content", says Craig Barnes, Extensis founder and CEO. "With additional development already in progress, we intend to continue providing innovative, useful and timely solutions to current and future customers in the image database market."
Extensis Fetch 1.5 will be available for the Macintosh in November, 1996 for an estimated street price of $99.95. Upgrades from Adobe Fetch 1.2 are $29.95, or free for users who purchased Extensis Fetch 1.2 on or after August 1, 1996. Extensis will offer users of Canto Cumulus and Imspace Systems Kudo Image Browser competitive upgrade pricing of $69.95. The Content Publisher's Tool Kit, which enables digital stock publishers to provide image catalogs with a read-only version of Fetch, will be available for $495.00 annually, for unlimited titles.
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