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Friday June 28, 1996 - Breaking News

Datawatch Announces New Data Format (No Mac v) New SpellsWell "Talks" with Navigator
Adobe Reports Lower Earnings in Q2 anchor238782 Power Computing Sells 3000 Macs to Lockheed
Netscape & Microsft Browser War Heats Up Visa & Mastercard New On-line Standards
anchor245853 Olympus CD-R2x4 Plays CDs and Burns Em Nisus Software's QUED/M Returns, Check out their special offer for MacinStuff Readers Only.
Poetry Ink Announces New Volume of Poetry Ink Apple Dispatches Team to Cannes
America Online Launches Visa Card

Datawatch Announces New Data Format (No Mac v)

Datawatch is creating a new data file format designed just to send reports over the Net, they are calling it a Portable Report Format. The company says that PRF is similar to the PDF format created by Adobe Systems in that it allows users to view documents in their original form on different kinds of PCs by including formatting information in the file. T

Monarch 3.0 will let users access, analyze and move data from reports into other applications such as spreadsheets, much as the earlier version did. A PRF file includes data format information and an index so that users can pull data out of the report to create new reports or graphs. Also included is encryption and a password option for increased security.

The full version of Monarch 3.0 will be available as a stand-alone application, while a low-cost version called Monarch Report Explorer that can view and manipulate but not create reports will be available as a helper application or Navigator plug-in. A beta version of Monarch Report Explorer is available from Datawatch's Web site. So far their has been no mention od a Mac version!

Monarch 3.0 will cost $499 retail for a single user; Monarch Report Explorer will cost $250 for five users.

New SpellsWell "Talks" with Navigator

Working Software, Inc. today announced a version of their Spellswell 7 spelling checker that works as if it is a built-in feature of the Netscape Navigator web browser. Working Software is extending their $14.95 Spellswell 7 upgrade offer to users of Netscape Navigator.

"The user experience is the same as with a built-in speller" said Dave Johnson, President of Working Software. "You choose 'Spellcheck Netscape Navigator' from the Apple menu, the outgoing e-mail or news message is spellchecked, and the corrected text appears back in the message."

The new Spellswell 7 version 2.0.4 comes with an AppleScript which is placed in the Mac OS's Apple Menu Items folder. "Spellcheck Netscape Navigator" then appears in the Apple menu. When this menu item is selected, Spellswell 7 spellchecks the active e-mail or news message window just as if it is built into Netscape Navigator's, automatically returning the corrected text to the same Netscape Navigator e-mail or news message window. The "Spellcheck Netscape Navigator" AppleScript is available free from Working Software's WWW site l.

Using the Mac OS's Apple Events feature, Spellswell 7 also builds itself directly into the menus of InfoDepot, Eudora, HyperCard, BBEdit, ClarisWorks, WordPerfect, Omnis 7, Writeswell Jr. and other programs that use Apple Events. Spellswell 7 comes bundled with Eudora Pro, InfoDepot, Web Server 4D and will also be built-into the upcoming America Online 3.0 and Quarterdeck Mail 4.0.

Spellswell 7 version 2.0.4 requires Macintosh System 7.0 or later. It is available from Working Softwares World Wide Web site. Owners of older versions of Spellswell and owners of Netscape Navigator or Eudora Light may upgrade for just $14.95 with our no-questions-asked 60-day money-back guarantee.

For more information contact Working Software, Inc.

Adobe Reports Lower Earnings in Q2

Adobe Systems announced an 8 percent increase in revenues for the second quarter of 1996 and a slight decline in net income.

Revenue for the period ending May 31, 1996, was $204 million, up from $189 million in the same quarter last year. Net income was down to $34 million from $35 million last year, and earnings decreased to $0.45 a share from $0.47 in 1995.

Power Computing Sells 3000 Macs to Lockheed

Power Computing announced the sale of 3000 of their Mac clones to Lockheed Martin. Sources say that former president of Apple Europe Soren Olsson will be joining Power Computing, although his new positiont was not revealed.

Power has already begun shipping units to Lockheed Martin's Astronautics' Denver facility,
which will use the machines to run productivity software as well as engineering and publishing

Olsson's appointment could help strengthen the Mac OS' European presence. Industry analyst
Pieter Hartsook says, "It [Sorenson's appointment] drops the barriers for Power to get into the
European business market." As president of Apple Europe, Olsson was also a senior vice
president for Apple America.

Netscape & Microsft Browser War Heats Up

Microsoft wants to prove to itself by the end of this year that Internet Explorer can catch up to Netscape Communications' Navigator and today tallied up its progress for the first time.

Netscape and Microsoft have been counting its users, but the figures being touted by the two companies don't add up, making real comparisons impossible. Currently both of the browsers can be downloaded at will without registering. Making actual usage figures nearly impossible.

But Microsoft and Netscape are both touting numbers, publicly!

Microsoft today said that 25 million copies of Internet Explorer are in circulation, including copies of the browser downloaded from the Internet and distributed through new Windows 95 PCs and Microsoft Plus Packs. It also counts every time that a version of the browser is downloaded, even if the same user downloads three or four copies, said Yusuf Mehdi, group product manager for Internet Explorer.

Netscape, on the other hand, says its figure of 38 million counts only real users of Navigator and factors out multiple downloads by tracking Internet Protocol addresses and eliminating multiple requests for the software from the same IP address. Further, Netscape claims that this figure makes Navigator the most popular PC application ever.

Microsoft's Mehdi declined to estimate how many people are actually using Internet Explorer, but said that tracking users of browser software is extremely difficult and that Netscape's 38 million figure is probably inaccurate.

"There aren't that many users on the Web," Mehdi said. "Those are very high numbers."

Microsoft does concede that it's still trailing Navigator in market share. According to its own random telephone research, Navigator has 50 percent of the browser market, while Internet Explorer has between seven and ten percent.

But independent market research puts Navigator's share much higher. Dataquest estimates that Navigator commands 85 percent of the browser market, while Internet Explorer has 7.5 percent.

Editor note: In checking our stats of which browsers are used to surf our site, we have found that of 100 random surfers to our site 10% used Explorer, 2% used CyberDog, and 88% were using Navigator, 66% Navigator 2.x, 20%, 3.x, and 2% were still using 1.x.

You can view our surfer list.

Visa & Mastercard New On-line Standards

MasterCard International and Visa International have published a revised version of their Secure Electronic Transactions specification, which details methods for secure bankcard transactions on the Internet and other open networks.

The revised version replaces the version issued in February, the companies said. MasterCard also said it expects to announce a series of infrastructure developments over the next few months to help seed the market, as well as commitments to extend the standards to other electronic venues.

The new standards are expected to accelerate development of electronic commerce, and include business requirement documents, technical specifications, and a programmers' guide. The companies said they expect to see Internet payment systems based on the standards being offered to consumers, merchants, and financial institutions by the end of 1996.

Olympus CD-R2x4 Plays CDs and Burns Em

Olympus Image Systems released a CD-R drive that records discs at 2X speed and plays discs at 4X. The CD-R2x4 includes a 1MB RAM buffer and costs $999 in a Mac-compatible external SCSI configuration. An internal model for Windows computers costs $799.

Nisus Software's QUED/M Returns

Check out their special offer for MacinStuff Readers Only.

Nisus Software Inc. releases QUED/MTM 3.0. Oh so many years ago there was just one choice when it came to editing code or large amounts of text on the Macintosh...QUED/M. But then it faded away in sea of competition. With the release of version 3.0, users and reviewers acclaim that QUED/M is back and is better than ever. The text editor that dominated the 1980's is revived and ready to take the lead with innovative features such as Unlimited Undos, Color Coding, GREP Find, Macro Programming Dialect and Noncontiguous Selection.

QUED/M targets not only programmers but anyone who needs a fast, versatile, and powerful program that can handle volumes of text. Users can speed-search closed files, opening only the ones that contain what you are looking for. With one command, QUED/M can combine two or three versions of the same file and mark the differences automatically.

QUED/M 3.0 features include: * Color Coding of C and C++ Keywords and Comments * Macros with the Nisus Programming Dialect (offering Basic-like commands) * HTML Macros for creating Web Pages * Macro Builder (puts common commands in easy-to-use menus) * Symantec's THINK C (Debugger, Project Manager and Reference) support * Metrowerks' CodeWarriorTM support * Text Folding (for outlining and hiding comments and loops inside code) * Unlimited Undos and Redos * Power Mac Native Code * System 7.5 Drag & Drop * Rectangular and Noncontiguous Selection * 600 Mbs of sample code and utilities FREE with Celestin Company's Apprentice 4

Jerzy Lewak, CEO and President of Nisus Software Inc. believes that "this release of QUED/M is a true reincarnation. QUED/M has grown and matured over the years ... enhanced and formed into a tool that makes editing fun." The moment users see its inviting interface, its numerous time-saving features, users old and new will appreciate the POWERFUL features in

The name QUED/M is derived from: QUality EDitor with Macros. "QUED/M is aptly named," says Product Manager, Erin Bradner, "it is truly a quality product. Our objective for the 3.0 release was to give the end user not just another software product, but the sharpest, fastest, and most enhanced program of its type. And we did it."

QUED/M orders are mainly being processed through Cyberian Outpost, an on-line mailorder dealer. For more order information please contact Cyberian Outpost at or go directly to the QUED/M page at or call Cyberian Outpost at (800) 856-9800 (domestic) or (203) 927-2050 (international).

The upgrade price of QUED/M 3.0 is just $49.00 from any previous version. For those new to QUED/M there's an introductory price of just $69.00. (Suggested Retail Price is $119.00.) This a CD version, diskette with a printed manual are available for an additional $15.00. All versions include a FREE copy of Nisus Software Inc.'s MailKeeper, the solution to e-mail overload

Poetry Ink Announces New Volume of Poetry Ink

Poetry Ink was the co-winner of About This Particular Macintosh's eZine contest in the "Literary" category.

Poetry Ink is not about the razzle-dazzle of the multi-media experience. We do not overload our readers with head-pounding soundtracks and thrill-a-minute video action. Instead, we are dedicated to the Art of the Written Word, and Poetry Ink is an electonic magazine designed to be read offline, away from the hype of the World Wide Web.

Poetry Ink is a forum for both the professional and beginning writer - we welcome and encourage submissions from our readers. Past contributors include nationally renowned writers David Hunter Sutherland and Michaele Benedict, playwright Marlene Abraham, and Australian poet Warrick Wynne. We currently seek submissions for the twelfth issue of Poetry Ink scheduled for release in August 1996. Please see the most recent issue for details and submission guidelines.

Poetry Ink is distributed as a self-reading eDOC document, and is free for individual use. Please share Poetry Ink with your friends, family, and co-workers.

Poetry Ink is available for downloading from your local info-mac mirror and on our homepage

Apple Dispatches Team to Cannes

Like they did for Mission Impossible, Apple has sent a team to Cannes, France, to webcast the 43rd Annual International Advertising Film Festival (a.k.a. Lions 96). The site will be updated daily (6/24-6/28) with a multimedia summary of each day's events. The site is geared towards people how could not attend the festival.

The Cannes pages are being authored with PowerMacintosh 8500/120 and PowerBook 5300 systems in Cannes, France, and is being uploaded to a Apple Network Server 700/150 at the Apple headquarters in California.

America Online Launches Visa Card

America Online announced Wednesday it has launched a Visa card with financial services concern First USA Inc., which will earn holders free time online with purchases. The service, which has 6 million subscribers, is offering cardholders 10 free online hours as a sign-up bonus.

Ted Leonsis, president of America Online Services, said, "We are constantly searching for ways to offer AOL subscribers additional value and benefits, and the new AOL Visa card is the first of many programs we plan to roll-out over the coming year."

The AOL Visa card allows America Online members to earn one point for every dollar they spend using the card and two points for every dollar they spend on AOL products and services. Cardholders can redeem 200 points for one free hour on AOL and 1,000 points for the monthly fee of $9.95. AOL said future expansion of the program includes redeeming points at participating online stores and retail locations for a variety of products and services.

Richard W. Vague, president of First USA, said, "We believe strongly that online services will continue to expand rapidly and those who use these services are going to help drive the growth of electronic commerce."

Thursday June 27, 1996 - Hot News Stories

Every Control Strip Module You May Ever Want/Need CE Software CEO Resigns
Apple Europe to Release New Performa 5260 anchor238782 Adobe PrintGear Geared Toward SOHO Market
CE Software, Inc. Announces QM-Internet Gateway ATI Video Card to Use C-Cube MPEG
anchor245853 The Open Group New On-line Service NBC/Microsft Network Set for Mid July
Securities & Exchange Commission OK's WWW Trading Apple & USC's EC2 Team Up
CNBC to Air Apple Internet Strategy

Every Control Strip Module You May Ever Want/Need

Dave's Guide to Every Control Strip Available WWW site has 112 Control Strip Modules now. Recent additions include "Memory Display", "Monitor Bit-depth", "Process Switch", and "Volume Keeper.' They have also added a bunch of Japaneese CSM to thier list.

CE Software CEO Resigns

CE Software's Ford Goodman is stepping down as president and CEO. CE plans to lay off 10 percent of its 116 employees and the company is taking a one-time charge of $900,00 for this fiscal quarter.

CE Software attributes the $900,000 restructuring charge to the write-off of intangible assets and other deferred costs, including the assets from the 1994 acquisition of Powercore, maker of a LAN calendaring program.

Goodman, who has been chairman and CEO since 1993, is vacating the position to focus on Internet technology, according to the company's announcement. He will now head an Internet subsidiary unit. Richard Skeie will assume the duties of president and CEO, a post that he held until 1993. Skeie is a company co-founder and is on the board of directors.

Apple Europe to Release New Performa 5260

Apple Computer France has announced a new multimedia Performa Macintosh, due out this week in the US and Europe.

The Performa 5260 comes with a 14-inch monitor, a quadruple-speed, CD- ROM drive, a microphone, two speakers, System 7.5.3, and ClarisWorks 4.0. The system sports a PowerPC 603e 100-MHz chip -- the same chip in the 5300 line of Performas -- and comes standard with 12MB of RAM and 800MB of storage. A 14.4 or 28.8 modem is optional, and in France comes with France Telecom's Internet software, Wanadoo.

Due out by the end of this week in Europe and the United States, the Performa is priced at 9,527 francs ($1,832).

Adobe PrintGear Geared Toward SOHO Market

Adobe Systems and some of its printing partners are ready to tackle the highly competitive small office, home office (SOHO) market.

Key to winning the pocketbooks of consumers is Adobe's new printer architecture, PrintGear, which was designed to lower the cost of printers by reducing hardware requirements, company officials said.

Compared to Adobe's mammoth PostScript page description language, which requires at least 4M bytes of RAM and a fast and thus expensive processor, PrintGear requires only one 1M byte of RAM and an inexpensive 16-MHz 68000 coprocessor in combination with a 50-MHz image processor custom-designed by Adobe, says Ian Mitchell, OEM manager at Adobe Systems Europe Ltd.'s printing and systems division, headquartered in Amsterdam.

"PostScript is very large, and the PostScript interpreter needs a lot of ROM and RAM, which is expensive," Mitchell says. "With PrintGear, 256K bytes [of RAM] is all you need."

With its lower hardware requirements, PrintGear allows printer manufacturers to offer laser printers at price points lower than than those currently in the market, Mitchell says.

Adobe stresses that PrintGear is not a "poor man's version of PostScript" but a different product that builds on Adobe's experience with printer and page description languages.

"PostScript offers features such as color separation, screening and half-toning and other functions for the high-end printer market, which you won't find in PrintGear," Mitchell says.

"PostScript has a lot of functionality that the SOHO user will never use. PrintGear has a lot of functions, but it would never be taken seriously by anybody that wants to do serious publishing," Mitchell says.

Adobe is also pitching the PrintGear architecture for use in color ink jet printers, which should hit the market by mid-1997, about the same time that Adobe offers a PrintGear-to-PostScript upgrade package, Mitchell says.

CE Software, Inc. Announces QM-Internet Gateway

CE Software, Inc. announced the availability by June 28 of new user licensing options for the QM-Internet Gateway(tm), a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) gateway which connects QuickMail to the Internet. The gateway will be available in 10, 20, 25, 50 and Unlimited user licenses.

Easy Internet Connectivity

CE Software's QM-Internet Gateway is a simple, cost-effective means for QuickMail users to send and receive electronic mail messages via the Internet. They simply send and receive E-mail messages using QuickMail's easy-to-use graphical interface. QM-Internet completely automates the process of accessing the SMTP host, and exchanging mail between the user's entire QuickMail network and the Internet. No UNIX system is required. The gateway even runs on the same Macintosh as the QuickMail Server.

QM-Internet offers the following features:
  • SMTP support, as well as Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) account monitoring
  • Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) compliance
  • Recognition of non-MIME character sets and content encoding
  • Automatic character set detection and enclosure encoding and decoding when sending and replying to mail messages
  • Support for file enclosures (text, graphics, binary files, etc.)
  • Destination encoding, targeting exact encoding protocols at specific sites
  • Recognition of 16 international character sets for sending and receiving messages worldwide
  • Aliasing, enabling users to receive messages in one mailbox addressed to accounts with user name variations (i.e., or
  • Group addressing, for building simple Internet mailing lists which include addresses from both inside and outside the company
  • QM Forms tunneling, enabling the fonts, message and graphics of a QuickMail form to be preserved when sent over the Internet to another QM-Internet Gateway
  • Customized, user defined QuickMail forms for outgoing Internet messages
  • Binary, AppleSingle, AppleDouble, BinHex and uuencode enclosure formats
  • Fully compatible with Apple OpenTransport 1.1
QM-Internet is sold through CE Software's standard direct sales channels. Th gateway is available at $495 for 10 users, $895 for 20 users, $1,095 for 25 users, and $1,795 for 50 users. QM-Internet for an unlimited number of users has a suggested retail price of $2,495. International customers should contact the CE Software distributor in their country for pricing and availability.

ATI Video Card to Use C-Cube MPEG

C-Cube Microsytems, today announced that ATI Technologies, Inc. has selected C-Cube's CL450SWA MPEG-1 video decoder to deliver full-screen, full-motion video with CD-quality sound for its Mach 264 series of 2D and 3D graphics chip products.

The Mach 264 graphics chip family are incorporated into the motherboard designs of leading PC manufacturers. ATI is using C-Cube's MPEG-1 video decoding technology to provide PCs with 30 frames per second, full-motion video and 44.1kHz CD-quality stereo audio to address video-centric PC applications. The boards, capable of playing VideoCD 1.1 and 2.0 titles, are available as either stand-alone MPEG VideoCD playback cards, or as multi-functional boards combining MPEG VideoCD with a TV tuner and video capture.

"ATI's Mach 264 family is forging new ground in addressing the growing demand for VideoCD 2.0 and full-motion digital video on the desktop PC," said Alex Daly, vice president of marketing for C-Cube Microsystems. "ATI's graphics boards combined with C-Cube's digital video technology delivers a high-performance, yet affordable playback solution."

"C-Cube is an industry leader in developing integrated MPEG solutions for the PC and consumer markets," said David Jones, ATI Multimedia Group Product Manager. "C-Cube's highly integrated MPEG-1 decoder gives us a reliable, cost-effective video playback solution for OEMs looking to add MPEG-1, TV tuner and video capture all on one add-in card.

" The CL450SWA communicates with the Mach 264 graphics chip via the ATI Multimedia Connector (AMC) interface, a bi-directional data flow interface which manages the exchange of data between video and graphics engines. Tightly-coupled drivers between the CL450SWA and the Mach 264 ensure maximum video and graphics performance on all Mach 264-based platforms. Full motion video playback can be achieved even when the CPU is performing other heavily-tasked functions, such as 3D graphics or modem/internet connectivity.

The Open Group New On-line Service

The Open Group launches an on-line service listing open software products. The Open Software Registry - an on-line World Wide Web information service that provides a primary source of reference to locate open software products and better understand inter-product dependencies, standards conformance and portability.

Developed in conjunction with both the IT customers and the software industry, The Open Software Registry will help organizations both streamline and reduce the cost of the software procurement process, which is estimated to cost millions of dollars in both time and short-lived investment in software.

Unlike other sources of software information, The Open Software Registry is up-dated daily. It also incorporates a unique, independent auditing capability which tells users how strictly the listed software conforms to these standards. Already, thousands of products have been listed on the Registry making it the most complete reference guide available for open software.

Furthermore, customers benefit from anything that increases market conformance to standards. Chris Scheybeler, technical director of IXI, a division of Santa Cruz Operation (SCO), said: "If The Open Software Registry becomes one of the major procurement reference sources, then software developers will have to work hard to ensure their products reach the standard. It could well become a point of competition."

The information provided by The Open Software Registry, such as standards compliance, inter-product dependencies and portability, will help users identify the most suitable products to meet their business needs more quickly. As a result, the time to compile a qualified short-list can be dramatically reduced and its value greatly improved.

NBC/Microsft Network Set for Mid July

Microsoft and NBC-TV have outlined plans for coordinating news coverage on cable television and the Internet, but their joint venture, called MSNBC, is still a work in progress. That is until a July 15 launch of the news operation.

MSNBC will have 400 of its own dedicated employees, plus the resources of NBC-TV's network news and cable news operations, which will contribute to both the Web and TV coverage.

"We are conceptualizing news that will work in both media, trying to create something genuinely new, truly different and original," Andy Lack, president of NBC News, told journalists at a briefing Tuesday here.

"It will work because we did not create a separate reporting team," said Mark Harrington, vice president and general manager of MSNBC. "All NBC employees are now working for MSNBC."

On the cable side--NBC is converting its "America's Talking" channel into a 24-hour news channel--MSNBC will offer 14 hours of original content daily, including 10 hours of news coverage. To date, MSNBC has signed cable systems that pass 22 million U.S. homes.

On the Net, MSNBC will post daily news stories, including breaking news, with an emphasis on coverage of the Internet and business. For example, the operation has hired a reporter whose beat will be to see how the Net is reacting to major news stories such as the Unabomber. .

Five or six advertisers have been signed up for the Web site but the company has declined to name names. The venture will have to find more if it is to recoup Microsoft's and NBC's investment. In the original deal, announced last December, Microsoft agreed to pay $220 million over five years for a 50 percent stake in MSNBC Cable. The entire project will cost Microsoft and NBC about $200 million over five years. Microsoft's total investment so far is "far less than $50 million," according to Peter Neupert, vice president of strategic partnerships for Microsoft's interactive media division.

Securities & Exchange Commission OK's WWW Trading

A San Francisco attorney convinced the Securities and Exchange Commission this week to allow a Northern California company, Real Goods Trading Corporation, to launch the first secondary stock trading marketplace on the Internet.

This development could revolutionize securities trading, especially for small companies, allowing shareholders and others to buy and sell stock without having to go to Wall Street to do it.

Barry Reder, a corporate and securities partner with the San Francisco law firm Coblentz, Cahen, McCabe & Breyer, developed the idea for a passive "bulletin board" marketplace to respond to his
client's desire to provide creative alternatives to traditional trading mechanisms. He characterizes the plan as an "off the grid trading system."

Shareholders post their name, number of shares, asking or offering price and other information on a Web page hosted by the company whose shares are being exchanged.

"This is a cutting edge development" said Reder. "It will allow shareholders to control the price at which they buy and sell stock and to manage the process themselves."

To obtain the SEC's blessing, Reder proposed limitations so the system would not be viewed as a national securities exchange and system participants would not be characterized as broker-dealers.
These limitations include a requirement that there be a parallel public trading market for the stock, current public information available about the company, and the absence of compensation, advice,
or participation by the company or its management.

Reder believes that other companies with publicly traded stock will be eager to host similar systems. "This development leverages the Internet's speed, power and diversity to bring individual investors closer to each other and to the companies they are watching" he said. "Now we will work with Real Goods to implement the new system and to create a new market consistent with the SEC's limitations."

The SEC issued its "no-action" letter on Monday, June 24. The new trading system will be operational in a few weeks.

Apple & USC's EC2 Team Up

As part of Apple's ongoing commitment to create the most exciting and innovative new media content, the company today announced the latest addition to its line of Apple Studio Centers--EC2 (Egg Company 2, the University of Southern California's Annenberg Incubator Project) and the newly established multimedia Testbed facility. Apple Studio Centers are designed to provide media pioneers, entrepreneurs and start-up digital companies with the hardware, software and technical expertise to take research and development to new levels.

The EC2 Testbed facility provides Macintosh-based content developers with an environment for developing and testing new multimedia applications, multimedia content, products and services. EC2 is uniquely positioned in between Silicon Valley and Hollywood allowing for the convergence of multimedia content and creative new applications and technology.

Apple will begin its collaboration with EC2 by establishing an Apple presence in the EC2 Testbed facility by providing a wide range of the latest high-end Power Macintosh computers, Apple Network Servers and Apple Internet Servers. Additionally, Apple is providing developers early access to its Interactive Media technologies as well as prototypes of future Apple hardware and software products. In addition, Apple will be sitting on the EC2 Selection Committee.

"Our relationship with EC2 gives us a new, exciting and innovative way to access the creative community," said Philippe Bouissou, director of Apple Studio. "Through the existing expertise, facilities and infrastructure already in place, EC2 allows us to bring together content providers with the general computer hardware and software industry."

"The alliance between Apple and EC2 will provide creative and technology support for new media companies," said Jon Goodman, director of EC2. "This collaboration exemplifies the business and technology assistance for which EC2 has been developed."

Apple began its efforts to establish Apple Studio Centers in December 1995 when it announced an alliance with EMI to form Abbey Road Interactive, a Macintosh-based multimedia development studio, custom built to produce the new generation of multimedia enhanced CDs, which are designed to give an extra dimension to the CD format. Additionally, in February 1996, Apple announced the opening of two Apple Web Studios, ABM (Aventure du Bout du Monde) and the Digital Village, both of which aim to enlist the most talented developers to create multimedia content on the Internet.

"The roll-out of Apple Studio Centers can best be described as an extension to our own research and development while teaming-up with our customers," said Satjiv Chahil, senior vice president of corporate marketing at Apple. "We are excited about working with the best multimedia talent from around the world to develop cutting-edge and highly creative content."

CNBC to Air Apple Internet Strategy

Apple Internet Strategy Unveiled on CNBC Sunday, June 30th 5:30 pm Eastern time, 4:30 pm Central, 3:30 pm Mountain and 2:30 pm Pacific

This Sunday, CNBC will air a 30 minute show on Apple's Internet strategy hosted by Mark Bunting of Bunting's Window. This is the second in a weekly series which will cover the Internet strategy of major technology companies, including Microsoft, Novelle, Lotus and others. The series kicked off with the Novelle strategy last weekend; Apple has the second episode.

Mr. Bunting will interview Larry Tesler and others from Apple to present a concise and highly visual description of Apple's products and our plans for focussing our strengths around the Internet.

After June 30th, the program will be available as streaming video and audio from Bunting's web site. It will also be available to the field and customers via Starting Line and as QuickTime movies.

Wednesday June 26, 1996 - Hot News Stories

Interactive Solutions Ships MovieWorks Interactive 3.0 At Ease Updated Download Here
FLX Card 1,000 Times Faster Than Modem anchor238782 First Fax & Voice - To E-Mail Service
Almost Golden QuickTime 2.5 Miramar Ships PC MACLAN for Windows 95
anchor245853 House Maintains Internet Law Library New Kiosks in Hotels to Allow Internet Access
Computize Inc. Acquires Computer Selection AOL President Quits
Apple To Distribute Windows NT Servers In Australia Apple Seminar Series Returns
Nisus Software Inc. Releases QUED/M 3.0.

Interactive Solutions Ships MovieWorks Interactive 3.0

Interactive Solutions, Inc. today announced the availability of MovieWorks Interactive 3.0. MovieWorks Interactive is a group of Macintosh software applications (Composer, Text, Sound, Paint, Video and Player), which work together to easily create high-quality QuickTime movies and interactive multimedia projects.

In addition to numerous feature and user interface enhancements, MovieWorks Interactive 3.0 has been accelerated for the Power Macintosh, and a video editor has been added. Unlike other multimedia authoring tools, scenes created in MovieWorks Interactive are saved in the QuickTime movie format to ensure consistent, high-quality playback on minimally equipped computers. Furthermore, content from a master interactive multimedia project may be easily repurposed and optimized for Internet delivery, Windows playback (linear only), or "printed" to video with the appropriate hardware.

MovieWorks Interactive 3.0 is available directly from Interactive Solutions for $129.95. Registered users may upgrade to version 3.0 for $29.95.

At Ease Updated Download Here

FLX Card 1,000 Times Faster Than Modem

BroadBand Technologies how to access the Net 1,000 times faster than most current modems. The company showed its FLX PC Adapter Card for the first time at the SuperComm '96 trade show in Dallas. The card is a high-speed Internet access device based on switched digital video that BroadBand has developed jointly with Intel. The collaboration between the two companies was first announced in May in an effort to help telephone companies deliver Internet access to users via high-speed residential fiber to the curb (FTTC) connections.

The adapter runs on BroadBand's allows carriers to provide high bandwidth, both downstream and upstream, to residential users through a single phone jack. The company said the device will run at speeds of 52 mbps--far faster than the 28.8 kbps now available on most standard modems.

The FLX PC Adapter PC interface card will be available from BroadBand in 1997, around the same time phone companies are expected to begin mass-market advanced broadband services based on their new switched digital networks. Currently it is not clear if thier will be an Apple Mac version of the card.

First Fax & Voice - To E-Mail Service

JFAX Communications, Inc. today announced a major expansion of its network that enables users to receive faxes and voice messages directly in their Internet E-Mail. Already operating in New York and London, JFAX Personal Telecom(TM) phone numbers with Internet delivery of faxes to E-mail will be available in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Chicago, and Johannesburg, South Africa starting in two to three weeks. JFAX Personal Telecom also offers subscribers a U.S. toll-free 888 service.

JFAX Personal Telecom service allows every fax machine and phone in the world to connect to a subscriber's Internet electronic mailbox. A person does not have to be on the Internet or even own a computer to send a message to someone who uses the JFAX Personal Telecom service. "Our Personal Telecom solution is an empowering, money-saving challenge to the old order of telephony," explained JFAX President Jaye Muller. The JFAX Personal Telecom service allows faxes and voice messages to reach people wherever they might be -- at home, at the office, or while traveling almost anywhere on the planet.

Users don't have to be on-line when faxes and voice messages are sent to them. All their messages will be waiting in their E-Mail box when they log on. Privacy is ensured because JFAX delivers faxes and voice messages directly into a subscriber's E-Mail box rather than forwarding messages to offices or hotels where they can be accessed by others. "For Internet users, the need for phone answering machines and physical fax machines will be eliminated and supplanted by a new phenomenon -- Personal Telecom or PT," predicted Muller.

"We are extremely excited about hosting JFAX in Johannesburg," said Dr. Angelo Roussos, Managing Director of LIA South Africa, an Internet Service Provider. "Ours is a country of great differences, particularly among those who have access to advanced telecommunications capabilities and those who do not. We are looking for solutions that will provide individuals and businesses with efficient cost-effective messaging and faxes. JFAX Personal Telecom is just such a system. It is nothing short of revolutionary." JFAX Communications, a privately held company, was incorporated in December 1995. JFAX, JFAX Communicator, and JFAX Personal Telecom are trademarks of JFAX Communications, Inc.

You can download the JFAX software for PowerMac free here, or for 680x0 Macs here.

Almost Golden QuickTime 2.5

Apples QuickTime is about to officially turn 2.5, the golden version is reportedly about a week out. Pre release version 2.5f6 will probably be the last update prior to an official release.

Miramar Ships PC MACLAN for Windows 95

Windows 95 to Macintosh connectivity challenges users to "redefine your environment" Miramar Systems announced today the release of PC MACLAN for Windows 95, a peer-to-peer networking software program for Windows 95 and Macintosh PCs.

According to Miramar, PC MACLAN is the first software package of its kind to fully integrate a 32-bit AppleShare client/server interface into the Windows 95 network environment, giving users seamless compatibility between the Windows 95 and the Apple Macintosh operating systems.

The product is considered the world's only networking software permitting Window 95 and Mac OS PCs to share files; printers (including non-PostScript such as HP DeskWriters); and hard, floppy or CD-ROM drives bi-directionally.

"We don't believe people should have to choose between using Windows 95-based PCs or Macs. That's why we've created a solution for networking the two operating systems together. PC MACLAN lets users redefine their environment by creating a central resource that integrates the key functionality of each platform and provides greater productivity in the workplace," explains Neal Rabin, Miramar president.

PC MACLAN supports most existing local area network (LAN) software, including NetWare, OS/2 LAN Server, LAN Manager, LANtastic, Banyan Vines and PowerLAN; most cross-platform e-mail packages, such as cc:Mail, QuickMail, MS Mail, and Novell Groupware; and many database, fax, tape back-up and Groupware applications.

The U.S. price point for PC MACLAN for Windows 95 is $199.

House Maintains Internet Law Library

The US House of Representatives maintains a seperate Internet Law Library on the WWW. The library offers a directory of US federal laws, state and territorial laws, treaties and international law, laws of other nations, laws of all jurisdictions, plus associated directories and reviews of law books, as well as on-line search engine.

New Kiosks in Hotels to Allow Internet Access

Staying in a hotel out of town no longer means staying out of touch. A deal announced today by San Jose, California-based Fourth Communications Network, with Hilton, Radisson, Sheraton, Holiday Inn, and other major hotel chains have signed on to provide guests with Internet access via kiosks located in their business centers or lobby areas.

Fourth Communication also announced that they are partnering with a German firm to provide Internet access in hotels across Europe.

A satellite connection at the hotel will provide a speedy link to the Internet at an estimated 25 times faster than a 14.4-kbps modem. Through the same link, hotels will be able to link television sets with a host of interactive shopping, messaging, and hotel guest services.

A company spokesperson said the most likely use for the Internet service is for the guest who wants to get email from the office or even download files.

Computize Inc. Acquires Computer Selection

Computize Inc., this past week through the acquired Computer Selection, a Santa Clara, Calif.-based Apple reseller. According to sources both companies have de-emphasized the Apple platform during the last few months.

Computize acquisition makes it one of the largest independent Apple resellers in the nation. The company ghas annual revenues of $105 million annually. Approximately 40 percent to 50 percent of Computize's product mix is Apple-related.

Computize last year was one of several Apple dealers that were stung when Apple imposed new sales and marketing qualifications on its catalog resellers. Under the new requirements, a catalog reseller has to sell $10 million annually through the direct-market outlet.

AOL President Quits

America Online Inc. Chief Operating Officer and President William Razzouk will step down after only four months at the company. His responsibilities will be taken over by CEO Steve Case.

AOL stock, which closed at $42.13 yesterday, has fallen from an April high of $66.13. And the Federal Trade Commission recently began an investigation of the online service's billing practices.
That investigation is continuing, but Case did say that the company has reached a settlement in a class action suit over its billing practices.

"We have reached a preliminary settlement with the plaintiffs on the class action suit. We're now subject to a court decision on that," he said. "[The suit] had to do with concerns over billing practices. This is formally settling it and getting the matter behind us."

Apple To Distribute Windows NT Servers In Australia

A new range of network servers running under Microsoft's Window NT went on sale in Australia Monday from an unlikely source -- Apple Computer.

The servers are made by Motorola, but will be distributed in Australia by Apple via its large reseller channel. It is believed to be the first time Apple has done such a deal anywhere in the world.

However, Apple Australia executives dampened speculation that the parent company might adopt a similar policy in other countries, including the US, saying there were no current plans to extend the arrangement.

The Motorola Series E servers use PowerPC reduced instruction-set computing (RISC) processors developed by the Apple-IBM-Motorola alliance. Most rival NT servers use Intel Pentium or Pentium Pro processors. The distribution deal seems certain to raise eyebrows. To dyed-in-the- wool Macintosh fans, the very idea of Apple marketing a Microsoft device seems outlandish.

But Apple is stressing that the deal doesn't indicate any watering down of its Macintosh commitment. Quite the opposite, according to third- party product manager, Graham Barr, it is designed to increase the Mac's penetration of Australian government and large corporate markets.

It should boost Apple revenues at a time when the company needs every dollar it can raise. And it should also mean a significant lift for Motorola, which currently has a minor presence in the Australian server market. Apple's distribution channel will give it exposure through many more resellers.

Observers point out Windows NT has long included the ability to hook Macs, as well as Windows PCs, into corporate networks, though this is not often stressed by Microsoft-aligned vendors. The Mac client machines will run under their normal MacOS operating system. But later this year Apple is expected to introduce new Macs capable of running either MacOS or Windows NT, as well as Unix, at the click of a mouse button.

Apple has been marketing its own branded servers for the Unix environment, with reasonable success. But the corporate tide is running against Unix and MIS (management information systems) managers are increasingly looking for "total solutions" based on NT, according to Apple's Graham Barr.

A Motorola press release issued last week under embargo suggested that the initiative was, "likely to be implemented across Asia Pacific." But this was replaced by a later version of the release that made no mention of distribution outside Australia.

Vamos, based in Sydney, is a former IBM PC Co marketing executive who is not afraid of taking a controversial stand within Apple. In comments to the Australian press earlier this year, he said he thought it was time Apple began putting its corporate logo on Windows 95 PCs -- a proposal so far not taken up by the Cupertino, California-based PC maker.

Apple Seminar Series Returns

Apple is conducting an exciting seminar series aimed at owners and decision makers in small to medium businesses, or department heads in large businesses called "How Do You Leverage Apple Technologies to Your Competitive Advantage".

These dynamic half-day sessions are being conducted twice per day (starting at either 9 a.m. or 1 p.m.) in selected U.S. Apple Market Centers by Bill Joos, a long-time Apple friend and the President of a Palo Alto consulting firm.

If you know decision makers that are on the Apple and "Windoze" fence, help get them enrolled into these free sessions. Upcoming dates are:

July 11: Reston (DC)
July 18: New York City
July 25: Boston
August 1: Dallas
August 8: Chicago

Preregistration is essential as the seats are very limited: 800-527-7539.

Nisus Software Inc. releases QUED/M 3.0.

Many years ago there was just one choice when it came to editing code or large amounts of text on the Macintosh. QUED/M. But then it faded away in sea of competition. With the release of version 3.0, users and reviewers acclaim that QUED/M is back and is better than ever. The text editor that dominated the 1980's is revived and ready to take the lead with innovative features such as Unlimited Undos, Color Coding, GREP Find, Macro Programming Dialect and Noncontiguous Selection.

QUED/M targets not only programmers but anyone who needs a fast, versatile, and powerful program that can handle volumes of text. Users can speed-search closed files, opening only the ones that contain what you are looking for. With one command, QUED/M can combine two or three versions of the same file and mark the differences automatically.

The upgrade price of QUED/M 3.0 is just $49.00 from any previous version. For those new to QUED/M there's an introductory price of just $69.00. (Suggested Retail Price is $119.00.) All versions include a FREE copy of Nisus Software Inc.'s MailKeeperA, the solution to e-mail overload.

Tuesday June 25, 1996 - News

MacWorld Expo Site on the WWW From New VRML Sitet
Be Your Own Travel Agent anchor238782 PixelCraft Suspends Support on Scanners
Claris Releases Filemaker Pro Update New Communications Program Announced
anchor245853 General Magic Announces Online Applications Microsoft Hires Two Former Apple Execs
The AG Group Releases PPC EtherPeek Woodstock, No Webstock Announced
AT&T Expands Web Services Ziff-Davis Hires New Executives
Navigator 4.0 "Galileo", Features Unveiled Gryphon Bricks CD for Macs

MacWorld Expo Site on the WWW

Show highlights, Conference sessions, On-line registrations and more from the August 7-10, Boston MacWorld Expo is available on-line here.

From New VRML Site

A new VRML Web site is now on-line to "help the Mac community get ready for the VRML revolution that is barreling down the info-highway."

The author of the site states " it is important to create a Mac presence in VRML where so many developers and creators are way too quick to think of Win95. Apple technology is an integral part of the new VRML 2.0 spec and we need to make sure we Mac users are heard loud and clear."

Be Your Own Travel Agent

You can now book your entire trip from airline tickets to rental cars through the Internet Travel Network.

According to ITN it claims to be first on-line reservation service that allows travelers to book hotel reservations and rental cars at the same time they make an airline reservation, at no additional charge.

Credit card numbers can be utilized or you can request a travel agent to call back and handle the transaction over the phone. Tickets can be sent to the user by overnight service.

The service lets the user define all the travel requirements on the Web site: single or double rooms, smoking or non-smoking, mid-size or luxury car, etc. The site then shows the availability and rates via a direct connection to a major travel reservation system, as well as policies such as check-in and check-out times.

PixelCraft Suspends Support on Scanners

PixelCraft, the Xerox subsidiary that manufactures scanners, has announced that it will suspend support of its older scanner line, effective July 31.

Owners of the lst of scanners (see below) will no longer receive software support, repair services, or spareparts. However, PixelCraft will offer a trade-in discount for new scanner products. It will also honor all outstanding warranties "with replacement of a comparable remanufactured product through the expiration of the agreement," the termination notice says. In addition, customers will have the option of applying the balance of their warranties toward new products.

The following scanners are effected: Barneyscan 3515, Barneyscan 4520, Barneyscan 4520RS, Pro Imager 4520 RS, Pro Imager 7650, and Pro Imager 7650C. Until recently, PixelCraft was selling refurbished versions of the discontinued 4520 at a discount. Not affected are the Pro Imager 8100 and 8200 flatbed scanners.

Claris Releases Filemaker Pro Update

Claris has posted the update of its Claris Filemaker Pro you can download the update here.

New Communications Program Announced

ComLink is a new host and communications program for the Macintosh written by Will Price. It is
now in public beta testing. The terminal features of ComLink are mostly complete, but the BBS
features are not part of the first public beta and thus are not discussed here.

As a terminal program, ComLink offers the following primary features:
  • Multiple terminals simultaeneously with integrated file transfer tracking window.
  • True Pre-Emptive file transfers. ComLink, like macIntercomm, is now the second program for the Macintosh to implement true pre-emptive transfers. No other programs have this feature. This means that during a ComLink file transfer you can do almost anything except reboot and the transfer will not even slow down. This includes formatting disks, booting large applications, and printing. Other programs may claim to run well in the background, but simply holding down a menu in the Finder during their transfer will cause them to experience retries and abort your transfer after about 60 seconds. It can take that long just to run Word 6! This feature does not involve voodoo magic or witchcraft. Its simply the result of good programming and an unhealthy amount of time studying the Macintosh OS.
  • Direct support for Serial, Telnet, and ADSP connections, unhampered by Communications Toolbox bottlenecks.
  • PC-ANSI, VT-52, VT-102, and VT-220 terminal emulation Xmodem, Ymodem, Ymodem-G, Zmodem, Kermit, SuperKermit with sliding windows Proprietary new file transfer protocol developed for ComLink called "Stripe" allows users to simultaneously upload and download to fully utilize the bandwidth of your modem.
  • Accelerated fast text drawing with a continuous velocity controlled scrollbar in a terminal window that saves all colors, blinking, and size information.
  • PowerPC Native (note that the PowerPC native version does not support PreEmptive transfers)
  • AppleScript scripting support with specific terminal commands for scanning data and writing to the port over multiple nodes in scripts. ComLink also supports AppleScript droplets for performing operations such as batch transfers.
You can download the software here

ComLink is shareware. The registration fee for Terminal features is $40. Host registration has not been finalized yet.

General Magic Announces Online Applications

Originally an Apple spinoff, General Magic announced a new Internet strategy to be unvieled today.

General Magic posted losses totaling nearly $74 million since 1990 (including a net loss of $7.0 million in the quarter ending March 31). With the announcement it hopes to capitalize on the Internet with new online applications, mobile Internet systems, and strategic relationships.

Tabriz AgentWare, a new version of the company's Telescript technology, will let users create intelligent agents that automatically surf the Web to find and classify data and carry out transactions. The agents then notify the user by email, pager, or fax once the actions are completed.

General Magic is also recasting its Magic Cap operating system into an Internet browser and email program for the Sony MagicLink PIC 2000 and the Motorola Envoy 150.

Presto Mail and PrestoLinks will both retail for $49.95 are scheduled for release in the next 30 days.

Microsoft Hires Two Former Apple Execs

Microsoft Corp. announced that two former senior designers at Apple, Steven Capps and Walter Smith, have joined Microsoft. They will be positioned in the company's Internet platform and tools division.

Capps, one of the original members of the software design team for the company, joined Apple in 1981 to work on the Lisa and then onto the Newton development team as its chief developer. Capps, who was an Apple Fellow, was also a key figure in the development of the Mac OS Finder.

Smith, who was also an early member of the Newton team, designed the NewtonScript language and environment and Newton's object-based data storage system.

Capps resigned from Apple earlier this month. Smith resigned in late April.

Brad Silverberg, senior vice president of the Internet platform and tools division at Microsoft, described their hiring as "a huge win for us in our efforts to broaden the impact of the Internet for customers and developers.

"I've known Steve for 15 years. I worked with him at Apple on Lisa, and we've been pretty good friends since then. It was always in the back of my mind to work with him again. When all the turmoil occurred at Apple, I reinitiated the contacts and told him when he was leaving to keep me in mind."

Silverberg said Microsoft was not attempting to raid Apple but said the traffic of resumes from Apple employees inquiring about opportunities with Microsoft has picked up in the last several months.

"People ask me if we're raiding Apple, and that's not the case at all," he said."But sure, if people are thinking about leaving Apple, we'll talk with them."

The AG Group Releases PPC EtherPeek

The AG Group announced it shipped a new powerful version of EtherPeek, their award-winning Ethernet traffic and protocol analyzer, with native support for Power PC Macintosh computers improving EtherPeek's capture rate and packet processing capabilities.

EtherPeek users will find the friendly, intuitive graphical interface even easier to use and added product functionality that dramatically increases performance, utility and productivity.

In collaboration with Apple Computer and other Ethernet product vendors, The AG Group has helped to define and create network management capabilities in the lowest level of Open Transport. This new mechanism is used by EtherPeek to support the built-in and PCI-bus Ethernet interfaces on the latest Power PC Macintosh computers.

In addition, EtherPeek 3.0 supports Ethernet adapters built into PCMCIA cards by using the standard support for PC Cards included in the Macintosh operating system. This allows EtherPeek to function on all models of the PowerBook 190 and 5300 series. The AG Group continues to work with Apple and Ethernet card vendors to support as many different Ethernet interfaces as are available.

Plug-In Modules
  • Automatic Name Resolution
  • ProtoSpec Protocol Layer Identification
  • AppleScript & Speech Notification Capabilities
  • New Real-Time Traffic Graph
  • Additional Packet Decoders
  • Network Speed Option
EtherPeek 3.0 has a SRP: US $995.00 and an upgrade price of:$250.00. Site licenses and group discounts available.

Woodstock, No Webstock Announced

Webstock '96, a celebrity-studded 4-day Internet event designed to inspire the next generation of community leaders, will be announced Tuesday in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Set for Nov. 1-4, the Net happening will combine on-line entertainment and group discussions on community activism hosted by guest stars, all linked with actual festival sites around the world.

Promoters are touting it as the largest fund-raising effort ever on the World Wide Web, with profits going to the DO Something charity, founded by Melrose Place actor Andrew Shue. They hope to raise $1 million for DO Something from an expected 500,000 visitors during the 80-plus hours of Internet Webcasting.

Committed to the project so far,

Baseball's Ken Griffey Jr.
Supermodel Cindy Crawford
R.E.M. singer Michael Stipe
Actress Elisabeth Shue with others expected.

Sponsors already signed on:

Blockbuster Entertainment
America Online
Silicon Graphics
Lightspeed Media
Silicon Reef.

Organizers will take advantage of Webstock's pre-election timing. "We will have a lot of our own Rock the Web activities to get people out and make sure they vote," Hayes says. MTV simulcasts are being discussed, he adds. On-line information, chats and games will be maintained for one year on a Webstock '96 Web site.

The site will be designed for experienced and novice users. It will have high- and low-speed connections and links for the hearing-impaired, too, coordinators say.

AT&T Expands Web Services

AT&T has turned to Internet start-up Industry.Net to help expand its online services for companies that want to do more of their business over the Web.

AT&T is merging its New Media Services unit with Industry.Net, a start-up run by former Lotus Development co-founder Jim Manzi that acts as an clearinghouse for marketing and distribution information for industrial equipment. The two companies will merge to create Nets Incorporated . The new company will operate both the existing Industry.Net Site and the AT&T Business Network information site announced last week.

The Business Network is a similar concept to Industry.Net, a site that doesn't handle electronic transactions or purchasing but collects information about business resources on the Net to help business managers, professionals, and entrepreneurs locate the information they need.

In addition to AT&T Business Network and Industry.Net, AT&T will soon begin beta testing the AT&T HealthSite, a consumer-oriented health site, and ImagiNation Network, an online games service.

AT&T, which paid more than $40 million to buy ImagiNation in 1993 and 1994, has the service up for sale. Industry.Net was launched six months ago after Manzi left Lotus. Manzi will become chairman, president, and CEO of Nets Incorporated.

Ziff-Davis Hires New Executives

Ziff-Davis hired three executives to work in its internet and magazine businesses.

Hired were Lawrence Burstein, former publisher of Conde Nast's New Yorker & publishing director of Hearst's Esquire magazine.

Alexandra Penney, former Editor-in-Chief of Self magazine will be creative director at large.

James Spanfeller, formerly publisher of Inc. Magazine will be publisher of Yahoo! Internet Life, a print and on-line magazine.

Navigator 4.0 "Galileo" Features Unveiled

Netscape vision white paper reportedly lists some of the features to be found in the next release of Netscape Navigator.

E-Mail enhancements:

WYSIWYG / Drag-and-Drop editing of HTML E-Mail. Therefore, rich-text / graphical messages are a piece of cake. E-Mail filtering. Full-text / meta searches of messages. IMAP support. S/MIME support for encrypted E-Mail.

Look and Feel:

"3D Layered Frames," Font selection, Multiple columns and Java libraries.

WWW Authoring:

Clip art, style sheets, Java(script) objects, graphics editor, wizard. File conversion tools. Version control, synchronization, maintaining/tracking links, document sharing.


Bonus class libraries, Support for applets and fort for Borland's JavaAppAccelerator compiler. And something called Automatic plug-in installation

Gryphon Bricks CD for Macs

Gryphon Software Corp. began shipping its newest title, Gryphon Bricks, onCD-ROM for the Macintosh.

A brick-building software program for kids of all ages, Gryphon Bricks includes both a ``Kids'' and an ``Older Kids'' (adult) interface on one CD-ROM and will be sold in computer and retail stores for a suggested retail price of $49.

Preliminary feedback on Gryphon Bricks indicates that it's sure to be a hit among a variety of consumers. Chris Kawalek, a 16-year-old beta tester, called the program ``really excellent.''

R.J. Elvester, an 8-year-old who tested the program, liked Bricks because ``it has so many different pieces.''

``Older kid'' Peter Cook, who is 50, appreciated the three- dimensional look of the program but enjoys another aspect of it even more. ``The thing I like best about Bricks is that I can build anything,'' said Cook. ``I think it's something that a lot of brick enthusiasts are going to want to grab up.''

With more than 300 brick styles available, Gryphon Bricks offers an enormous library of pieces to create virtually anything real or imagined. Young, old and in-between users can build structures, create dinosaurs or design concept cars, using a variety of ``three-dimensional'' pieces that are never in danger of getting stepped on or lost.

The ``Older Kids'' version of Gryphon Bricks includes all of the features in the ``Kids'' version plus several advanced design tools including the ability to animate the models or make the program automatically build models brick by brick. ``Older Kids'' can also have more than one creation open at once and can enjoy multiple views of their masterpiece.

Monday June 24, 1996 - News

Quarterdeck/StarNine Microsoft Mail Adobe Software to Be Bundled With UMAX Scanners
Apple's Professional Support Program anchor238782 Apple Newton Wins PC World Online Award
Symantec Concedes Windows Fax Utility Mistaket CyberGold to Pay for Users to Report on Ads
anchor245853 Backstage Allows Web/Database Interaction New LaserWriter 8.4 Overview
Adobe & CyberSource to Deliver Type Library on WWW Track WWW Page Updates for Free

Quarterdeck/StarNine Microsoft Mail

Quarterdeck/StarNine has taken over Microsoft Mail for AppleTalk Networks, renamed it Quarterdeck Mail, and started major development again. Microsoft has also shipped a new, free, Microsoft Exchange Connector that allows you to send mail and share address lists automatically.

Quarterdeck Mail Version 3.6, both server and client upgrades,shipped in May. Inckuded in this releaseis is Internet integration features, make the program an application (instead of a DA), with new menus and commands, and provide server and local file compression options for mail managers. Also shipped an upgrade to Mail*Link PC Connection Gateway as well -- this connects Quarterdeck Mail servers to PC Mail servers.

Quarterdeck Mail Version 4.0 will have spell checking, font/size/style/color for text, drag-and-drop text and enclosures, server improvments, and more. The products will be shown during Augusts Macworld Boston and will be shipping in mid to late August.

Adobe Software to Be Bundled With UMAX Scanners

Adobe Systems Incorporated announced that Adobe® PhotoDeluxe and Adobe Photoshop® software will be bundled with two flat-bed scanners from UMAX, providing ideal graphics solu-tions for business and home projects. The Vista-S6E scanner will come with a small office/home
office software bundle that includes options for either Adobe PhotoDeluxe consumer-oriented soft-ware, or Adobe Photoshop software, the industry-standard for professional image-editing.

UMAX will also offer a business-oriented bundle with the Vista-S12 scanner that will include Photoshop soft-ware. Both bundles are expected to be available in mid-June from authorized UMAX distributors.

"These bundles offers a low-cost graphics solution for both the SOHO and business professional.
Whether using Adobe PhotoDeluxe or Adobe Photoshop, consumers will have access to industry leading, image-editing software for working with their high-quality, scanned images," said Bruce
Chizen, vice president, Adobe consumer products. "Adobe PhotoDeluxe allows for easy integration of scanned images into documents such as brochures and flyers, while Adobe Photoshop provides the professional business user with the tools needed to create high-quality digital images." Low-End Scanner Bundles Provide Graphics Solution for Small/Home Office The Vista-S6E is a 24-bit scanner with an optical resolution of 300 x 600 dpi.

The new software bundle includes Adobe PhotoDeluxe software suited for the home and small business user. This combination of scanner and software allows users to easily scan photos into their computer and then add them to documents such as flyers, greeting cards, brochures or calendars. Users purchasing the Vista-S6E scanner will also have the choice of Adobe Photoshop® software in full, or limited edition versions.

The suggested list price for the Vista-S6E scanner, including the Adobe PhotoDeluxe software bundle, is$445. For the Photoshop software bundle, the suggested list price is $699.

Apple's Professional Support Program

Apple's Support Professional Solution Series is a comprehensive solution for anyone who supports users of Apple technologies.

Support Professional helps businesses reduce training costs, improve response time, and manage support resources more efficiently. It also provides important information on new products and technologies as well as their impact on support operations.

Offering a wealth of support information, Support Professional covers the complete technical support cycle from readiness to response. The "Support Briefing System" helps businesses prepare for new technologies with quarterly CDs followed by teleconferences where questions are answered in real time by Apple engineers.

The "Support Information System" provides access to Apple's Support Library for thorough answers to technical problems. This includes a searchable version of the Technical Information Library. It is supplemented by bimonthly CDs containing Apple product information and software; newsletters for support personnel and end users; a fax service for receiving Apple data sheets; and the Support Notices! e-mail service, which provides up-to-the-minute bulletins on support issues.

The "Skill Module System" helps new support personnel and key users come up to speed through self-paced training on Apple technologies. It can also be configured as a custom learning package.

There are two Support Professional Solution Series to choose from. The 501 Solution is designed to complement the technical response services of your chosen hardware provider. The 700 Series provides direct, unlimited access to senior Apple support engineers through the toll-free Support
Professional Escalation Line.

Support Professional is a cross-platform solution, with all client software and the Skill Module Library supported on both Macintosh and Microsoft Windows software based systems.

FOR MORE INFORMATION If you have questions regarding this program, please e-mail

Apple Newton Wins PC World Online Award

PC World Online announced the winners of PC World's 14th annual World Class awards. The Product of the year award went to Netscape Navigator. Under the category of Subnotebook Computer, Personal Digital Assistant went to the Apple Newton.

In bestowing the award for best personal digital assistant--that smallest of mobile computers--our
experts were divided across platforms. Yes, the Apple Newton tied with Hewlett-Packard's
OmniGo 100 Organizer Plus (the successor to the HP100LX) for best PDA.

PC World online goes on to state: " Those inclined to chuckle at PC World's endorsement of the much-maligned Newton might want to check out the latest model, which includes version 2.0 of the Newton operating system; it offers vastly improved handwriting recognition, not to mention support for more than 1000 software applications. Our experts know a cult favorite when they see one."

Symantec Concedes Windows Fax Utility Mistake

Symantec Corporation president and chief executive officer, Gordon E Eubanks Jr., says
the company should be profitable by the end of the year. He conceded that profitability would occur only after mending a large hole put in thier corporate accounts.

The "large hole" came from last year's purchase of Canada's fax software specialist Delrina and what Eubanks now concedes was a mistaken decision to focus on Windows 95 utilities.

CyberGold to Pay for Users to Report on Ads

CyberGold,will be introduced today, and will reportedly offer to pay its members reading online advertisements. Once you have signed up, you just interact with interactive sales pitches that have been geared toward demographic groups. In return you will acrue credits, or "CyberGold," that can be traded for online time, subscriptions, or merchandise. The company adage of "I'll buy you lunch if you listen to my pitch."

CyberGold is the product of its chairman and CEO, Nat Goldhaber, former head of the Apple/IBM partnered Kaleida Labs. Advertising maven Jay Chiat and marketing guru Regis McKenna sit on the company's board.

CyberGold says they plan to beta test the system this summer and launch the service in the third quarter of this year.

Users don't earn credits if they don't read and interact with the ads, but exposure to them is voluntary.

Backstage Allows Web/Database Interaction

According to Macromedia you can create your Show Stopping Web site in a WYSIWYG environment. Connect to any database without programming. Create a customized web site with
authentication and session management for a personal web experience. BACKSTAGE provides a powerful tool for building complex interactive web sites without programming.

With BACKSTAGE you can:
  • Connect to client-server databases without programming
  • Build Web pages today in an intuitive point-and-click authoring environment
  • Choose HTML source edit mode to program your own customized designs
  • Make your site interactive using Shockwave and Java applets
  • Use our object library to create discussion groups, forms to e-mail, authentication without programming
  • Create powerful Web Sites capable of Session Management which identifies visitors and customizes Web Sites to their profile.

So far we can not find any mention of a Macintosh version. Macromedia can be contacted here.

New LaserWriter 8.4 Overview

Apple Computer, Inc. has released the following info about the new LaserWriter Driver 8.4.

The LaserWriter 8.4 printer software ships with the LaserWriter 12/640 PS printer. This a new more powerful version of the LaserWriter driver the Mac OS.

  • PowerPC Native.
  • Improved Performance
  • Single Pass Printing
  • Improved User Interface
  • Backward Compatible
PowerPC Native
The LaserWriter 8.4 driver is PowerPC native, allowing Power Macintosh
users full benefit of the PowerPC processor.

The LaserWriter 8.4 driver also operates on 68xxx-based Macintosh

Improved Performance
In tests performed by Apple on a Power Macintosh computer printing to a LaserWriter 12/640 PS, we have seen improvements in speed using LaserWriter 8.4 over previous versions of the LaserWriter driver. Using the new foreground printing feature further increases performance compared to background printing. Tests were performed by Apple using mainstream applications and printing medium to high complexity documents. More noticeable performance increases were seen printing complex documents from applications such as Adobe PageMaker and Quark Xpress.

Single Pass Printing
With previous versions of LaserWriter software, when you printed adocument, the print driver first created a spool file on the hard diskand the file was then parsed out to the printer incrementally. Withsingle pass printing, print jobs are now sent directly to the printer,and no spool file is created on your hard disk.

This feature is very important to the graphic arts and publishing industries where a fast time to first page is very important, and thei rapplications commonly create large spool files. Some of these spool files are larger than the remaining storage capacity of their hard disk. Singlepass printing is available by selecting Foreground Printing in the Printdialog. Since Foreground printing does not create spool files, running out of disk space is no longer an issue.

Improved User Interface
The LaserWriter 8.4 provides a new and improved user interface for the print and page setup dialogs. This makes it easier to select desktop printers, and format the page for printing. When using Desktop Printing 2.0 (installed with LaserWriter 8.4), the desktop printer icons can be
moved anywhere on the hard disk, and can be selected from the menu bar or control strip, as well as from the Print dialog.

Backward Compatible
All Apple LaserWriter printers--from the original LaserWriter to the Color LaserWriter 12/600 PS are supported using the LaserWriter 8.4 printing software.

Adobe & CyberSource to Deliver Type Library on WWW

Adobe Systems Incorporated announced that it has signed a distribution agreement with CyberSource Corporation, a leading Internet-based software distribution company, to deliver the Adobe Type Library of 2,100 Type 1 typefaces for Macintosh® and Windows® platforms over the Internet. Through CyberSource's Internet Commerce Services (ICS), a full-service, turn-key solution for electronic distribution of software products, customers worldwide are now able to preview and purchase Adobe®'s typefaces via the World Wide Web through a CyberSource link on the Adobe site , 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week.

"Adobe is very excited to offer immediate availability of it's typefaces to our worldwide customers via the internet," said Brian Heuckroth, senior product marketing manager of Adobe's Type Business Unit. "CyberSource's ICS provides superior technology to ensure that customers can instantly purchase and download any of Adobe's award-winning typefaces securely and without fear of credit card fraud."

Track WWW Page Updates for Free

PageWatch! PageWatch is a mail-based service that keeps an eye on web pages for you. In a nutshell, you simply send an email message to PageWatch with the URL of the page you wish to track. PageWatch will check your web page everyday. If that page is updated, you'll be sent email letting you know the page has something new to look at.

Since this is a server-based application, it doesn't matter what kind of computer you use. You just need to have some kind of email program to send the URL to PageWatch. Here's the syntax:


"SetPage" tells MicroDomo that you would like to add a page to PageWatch. "URL" is the page address you wish to track. "Platform" is the computer type you're using. They ask for the platform so that they can track useage based on computer type. So, your PageWatch request might look like this:


The three command lines above MUST be in the BODY of your email message.
The message should be sent to:


You'll receive confirmation of your entry within a day from when you sent it. There's no limit to the number of pages you can track and, of course, the service is free.

They are working on a web page interface which will eliminate the need to send email-based commands.

If you have any questions or comments, please email.

Weekend June 22-23, 1996 - News

This weekend and next is the National Diabetes Tour De Cure Bicyclists ride to raise money to fund a cure for Diabetes. Over 1 in 10 people in the United States (figures are even higher in other countries) have Diabetes. You can help find a cure to Diabetes by supporting a rider or sending in a contribution directly to your local Diabetes Foundation.

Friday June 21, 1996 - News

Grind Away Your Web Pages Utility Lets You Track & Launch Web Pages
The Person With the Most Toys, Wins? anchor238782 FC Web for FirstClass Conferences
PC Expo Concentrates On Internet Panasonic New High Performance Color Laser
anchor245853 Apple Enters 2nd Phase Of Reorganization Bigfoot Gives You Permanent E-Mail Address
Netscape Says it Now Navigates 38 Million Desktops Claris Emailer Updated to v1.1v2, Downlod it here

Grind Away Your Web Pages

Matterform Media announced version3.0 of HTML Grinder. This batch-processing utility lets you make changes to any number of pages in your Web site by dragging files or folders onto the application's icon.

HTML Grinder's dialog box allows you to select the tools you want to use. Included tools are, Find and Replace, Theseus tool, add "next" and "previous" links to a sequential set of pages.

Matterform has 14 different tools (called "Wheels"), each costing $15. A bundle of all wheels costs $150. The Find and Replace wheel is available for free.

The Complete Version 3.0 of HTML Grinder , can be downloaded here.

Utility Lets You Track & Launch Web Pages

Europa Software announced Web Quick 1.0 , it allows you to access recently visited Web pages through an icon on your menu bar. Web Quick gives you a hierarchical list of recently visited pages sorted by date, site, or topic.

Web Quick will track up to 1000 pages, rolling off old entries roll off as new pages are logged. But you can always delete entries or make them permanent. The utility launches Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer, and works with Internet Config.

Web Quick's suggested retail price is $49.95 or it's available to download online for $29.95.

A free 15-day trial version is available for download here.

The Person With the Most Toys, Wins?

Is starting up your Mac become to usual or boring? Now you can change your startup screen, play different sounds, show different movies, have your Mac speak different text files using the Speech Manager? You can have any combination of those events, and files can be chosen randomly or stepped through in order.

A freeware program, StartupFrills, allows you to do all this and more.

You can download three flavors of the program here,Universal (runs on any Mac) , PowerPC (runs only on PowerMacs) , 68k (runs on any Mac, but slower on PowerMacs)

A charitable donation to a Children's Hospital is encouraged by the Author!

FC Web for FirstClass Conferences

Perutile, has announced FC Web, a gateway for SoftArc Inc FirstClass, that allows conferences to and from the WWW.

FC Web onverts HTML documents into FirstClass messages as well as First Class into HTML.

FC Web utilizes a Java web-client extension that permits users using Java-enabled web browser to reply to messages in FirstClass conferences on the web, the messages are preserved allowing users to later use thier browser of choice.

FC Web allows, automatic replication between FirstClass and the World Wide Web. The Conversion of HTML documents to styled FirstClass messages and FirstClass messages to HTML documents, automatic indexpages, removes "expired" messages etc, the downloading of FirstClass messages and attachments to disk, multiple uploading options; group files to be sent as one FirstClass message, send files as attachments only etc.

FC Web also allows ASCII conversions for DOS, Mac and Windows

You can download a time limited full-working version of FC Web (that expires August 31/96), from the Perule web site .

PC Expo Concentrates On Internet

Oh, my aching feet! Hours of walking through the PC Expo in New York City, one thing became clear, the Expo focused heavily on the Internet. The annual show, at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, is expected to draw more than 130,000 attendees. Fully 1/3 -1/2 of all exhibitors were showing Web based products. From software to hardware to connectivity, vendors including Apple Computer, showed their wares.

As part of the focus on the Internet and intranet, the Javits Center concurrently hosted two additional shows, Web.X for Business and Networks Expo. A number of exhibitors, including Apple, IBM, Compaq, MegaSoft, and, appeared in more than one of the shows.

The Internet focus of the show was demonstrated by keynoters selected: Scott McNealy, chairman, chief executive officer (CEO) and president, Sun Microsystems; John Whiteside, general manager, IBM Global Network - "Intranets and the Internet;" Eric Benhamou, chairman, CEO, and president, 3Com Corporation - "What Pervasive Networking Means to You -- The PC User;" Jim Barksdale, President and CEO, Netscape Communications Corporation - "The Internet Impact;" and Takesi Maruyama, executive vice president, Fujitsu - "Getting Ready for the Wired World."

Many new product announcements were expected during the show from a number of exhibitors.

Panasonic New High Performance Color Laser

Fulfilling the growing market demand for a high-speed, monochrome laser printer with color capability, Panasonic Computer Peripheral Company (PCPC) presents the KX-P8475. The new color laser offers networking connectivity and full-speed, high-quality monochrome and color output. The KX-P8475 will be on display this week at PC Expo, booth #3762.

"The demand for color output has migrated from the home to the office," said Timothy J. Curran, vice president and group general manager of PCPC. "The corporate market needs a solution that costs less than putting inkjets on every desk and provides professional high-quality output. The KX-P8475 is a very economical and practical way to move color into the office because it provides laser speed and quality via a network. In addition, graphic artists will be impressed by its remarkable output."

The KX-P8475 features industry standard Pantone and ColorSync color table matching, making it ideal for pre-press production and desktop publishing environments. The printer is able to provide high-quality, 600 x 600 dpi output utilizing the standard 8 MB memory due to its image compression and decompression technology. Using 2 SIMM slots for standard 4, 16 or 32 MB SIMM modules, the printer's memory can be upgraded to 72 MB, thereby improving output resolution. The KX-P8475 achieves outstanding 1200 x 1200 dpi output with 24 MB.

The new color laser uses a high-speed, 33 MHz RISC processor, the AMD29040, for fast production of color images and prints at speeds up to 14 ppm in monochrome and 5 ppm in color. It offers a choice of 17 Adobe Type I fonts with an option for an additional 22 fonts.

The KX-P8475 incorporates Adobe PostScript Level 2, offering cross platform compatibility. It features a standard bidirectional parallel interface and three network options: Local Talk, Ethernet and Token Ring. In addition, it offers a built-in SCSI interface for external storage devices.

Apple Enters 2nd Phase Of Reorganization

Several months into a change in top management, Apple Computer is turning the corner into phase two of its reorganization, in which the remedies prescribed by new CEO Gil Amelio are starting to be implemented, said Apple Executive VP Marco Landi, during a meeting with journalists at PC Expo.

Bigfoot Gives You Permanent E-Mail Address

While at PC Expo today I stopped at the Bigfoot Partners LP, creators of the Bigfoot e-mail directory, is adding "Bigfoot For Life," a free service that gives e-mail users a permanent e-mail address. Once signed up, a user can have one address, and have all of their messages forwarded to them.

By registering at The Bigfoot Directory, which is located here , users can select a permanent Bigfoot e-mail address. In the registration process, the user identifies the single destination for all e-mail sent to his or her Bigfoot account. On completion of registration, users receive a password and complete instructions on how to use the free service, including a "simple step" to change the Bigfoot e-mail destination.

The Bigfoot Directory is an international online directory of e-mail addresses for individuals. Bigfoot provides users with e-mail addresses as well as phone numbers, fax numbers, previous e-mail addresses and mailing addresses for each individual listed within the directory.

Bigfoot claims to be growing at a rate of more than one million new entries per month. Most of its addresses come from already established lists that Bigfoot incorporates into its own directory.

Netscape Says it Now Navigates 38 Million Desktops

Netscape Communications Corporation today announced that its Netscape Navigator client software now has reached an installed base of more than 38 million users, becoming the world's most popular personal computer application. The number of users of Netscape Navigator now exceeds that of popular software products such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office and Lotus 1-2-3, according to figures for those products from industry research firm International Data Corporation (IDC).

Netscape Navigator - which has been shipping commercially for just 18 months - has already exceeded the installed base of the most popular PC applications, many of which have been in the market for more than ten years. Recently published figures from Microsoft put the installed base of Microsoft Office users at 22 million, Microsoft Excel at 30 million and Microsoft Word at 21 million.

"The popularity of Netscape Navigator is a clear indication that the Internet as a network platform is a far greater phenomenon than any single operating system, desktop application or desktop platform," said Jim Barksdale, president and chief executive officer of Netscape. "People around the world have a fundamental desire to learn, to communicate and to collaborate. Netscape Navigator has achieved the distinction of being the world's most popular software program precisely because it allows people to easily do just that."

"The fact that Netscape Navigator has achieved 38 million users in 18 months is unprecedented in the software industry," said Jeffrey Tarter, editor of Softletter, a leading software industry newsletter. "This rate of growth reflects an incredibly rapid acceptance of a network-centric personal computing model."

With 38 million Netscape Navigator users, the Netscape platform now represents one of the largest target markets for software developers. Over 12,000 developers are currently part of the Netscape DevEdge developer program and are developing or shipping applications that build on the features and capabilities of Netscape clients and Netscape's server software.

Claris Emailer Updated to v1.1v2

Claris has released an update to their email client software, the update version 1.1v2 has numerous smaller enhancements. There are nine new features added since 1.0v3, they are as follows:
  • Support for Claris OfficeMail
  • Support for the AppleLink Online Service
  • Drag and Drop Text Files into Messages
  • Messages Deleted in the Filing Cabinet are Moved to Deleted Mail
  • Local Preferences
  • Specify Recipient Type in Find Address
  • Enhanced Support for Addresses
  • Choose a Sound for New Mail
  • Folders can be sent as Enclosures

You can download the update here.

Read back issues from the following dates:
6/20-6/13, 6/12-6/6, 6/5-5/31, 5/30-5/25, 5/24-5/17, 5/16-5/10, 5/10-5/3,, 5/9-5/3, 5/2-4/23, 4/22-4/17, 4/16-4/9, 4/8-4/2, 4/1-3/27, 3/21-3/11, 3/10-2/14

A Complete list (including hyperlinks) of Apples Web Sites.

A Complete list of products available exclusively for the Macintosh OS (4/1/96)