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Architectural Drafting in MiniCad 6 Available


Continuing where the program's own manuals leave off, the book is a completely revised and rewritten edition of the original acclaimed title published in 1994, and covers both 2D and 3D features of the new version of MiniCad in an architectural context, in both metric and English units. Its approach is based on the format developed by the author in manuals and training courses since 1989: with screenshots illustrating each step along the way, the reader learns each feature by association with specific steps in the familiar context of drawing up a typical project. Issues covered range from first launch of the program through the production of general arrangement drawings and details, the effective use of layers, classes and resources and the creation and viewing of an integrated 3D model (with floors and roof), to the production of 'hot-linked' schedules and walkthroughs for export as QuickTime movies.

With helpful incidental commentary, in-depth 'sideline' discussions of issues or features where needed, tips on how to get the most out of the lesser-known tools, flagging of new features (for veterans), time-saving techniques and workarounds, comments on undocumented features and a comprehensive index, Architectural Drafting in MiniCad 6 is a training course in its own right and an essential resource for all users of the program in architecture, construction, and related professions.

The book is priced $45 (£29.95) excl. postage & handling ($50 in total by airmail worldwide; £31.95 in the UK), and can be ordered through bookshops or by credit card direct from the worldwide distributors: Thomas Lyster Ltd., Tel. +44-1695-575.112, Fax: +44-1695-570. Fax:+44-1695-570.120 or c/o the publishers' London or New York offices


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