Casady & Greene, Inc., announced the release of a new CD Rom, edutainment title: Origami, the Secret Life of Paper‰, written by Jean and Neil Alexander of CloudRunner Inc.
Enter the feature - rich, interactive Japanese house to unlock the secrets of a 1000 year-old art form. Haunting flute music plays as you move quickly from room to room using the Navigate Window, each room presenting a new dimension of the art.
In the Foyer, you will find a shelf containing twelve Origami projects from which to choose. Click on a project and see step-by-step instructions, diagrams, text and QuickTime‰ movies which demonstrate every fold. For each of the projects there is a template which shows the fold lines. Templates may be decorated with colors and designs and then printed for models or handouts.
Enter the Gallery with over 150 beautiful Origami works of art. Click on any creation and meet the artist, peruse a short biography, and learn the history of the artwork.
In the Kitchen, discover the history of paper-making from ancient to modern times. A video on how to make your own paper is included. Recycled junk mail can be turned easily into Origami paper. A colorful array of free Origami paper is included to get the user started.
The Around-the-World room displays a large world map and provides geographical information on current Origami events, organizations, conferences, etc.
Terry Kunysz, President of C&G, states, "If you want to see one of the most breath-takingly beautiful software packages to ever come along, this is it. Young kids and old kids alike will spend hours spellbound."
Price: SRP $59.95. Computer Requirements: System 7.0 or greater, 13" monitor at 640x480, Mac LCIII or greater, Power Mac Native, CD Rom player, 8 MB Ram recommended.
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