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Adobe, Apple & Scitex Host First Print On Demand Seminar and Open House


Adobe Systems, Apple Computer and Scitex Corporation will hold a free Print On Demand Seminar and Open House on Friday, November 22 at the Apple Market Center (Citicorp Building/29th floor) at 153 East 53rd Street in New York. The seminars will be held at 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. with demonstrations taking place throughout the day.

A pre-seminar press breakfast starts at 8:00 a.m. Here, spokespeople from Adobe, Apple and Scitex, will discuss the state of the print on-demand market, demonstrate how on-demand printing systems open new business opportunities, and provide an update on the print on-demand initiative which was formed last April. The Print On Demand Initiative (PODI), founded by Adobe Systems, Apple Computer and Scitex, is dedicated to educating the marketplace on the new opportunities available through print on-demand technology. The executives will also be available for one- on-one interviews following the press breakfast.

The two-hour seminar is targeted to designers, art directors, creative managers and marketing managers who are interested in discovering how on-demand printing fits into their everyday jobs and routines, witnessing real-life applications, and meeting customers who have improved their productivity from implementing on-demand technology.

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