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Retrospect 3.0A Updater Available Download it Here


Dantz Development Corporation Retrospect 3.0A Updater is a utility that updates a copy of Retrospect 3.0 or 3.0i, regardless of its language, to version 3.0A (or 3.0Ai).

The Updater will cause Retrospect to scan all mounted volumes for eligible copies of Retrospect. For faster updating, unmount server volumes.

New Features

Windows Remote Support

Uses Open Transport to communicate with Retrospect Remote client computers running under Windows(R) 95 and NT(tm). Clients are available in Remote Packs of 5, 10, and 50.

Uses TCP/IP connections for high speed network backups.

Exabyte 8mm Tape Format Command

Formats 8mm Exabyte tapes in your choice of format.

Fixes and Improvements

Assertion error: Retrospect no longer asserts an error at dev.c -1027 when 40 MB or more RAM is installed and extended memory (RAM Doubler or Virtual Memory) is used.

Out of memory error: Retrospect no longer reports error -108 when 227 MB or more memory is available.

Low memory situations: Retrospect is more stable in low memory situations when extended memory (RAM Doubler or Virtual Memory) is used.

RAM Doubler: Retrospect 3.0A improves compatibility with RAM Doubler. You must use version 1.6.2 or later and System 7.5.3 or later.

Crash: Retrospect no longer crashes under WorldScript I.

Novell servers: Retrospect no longer shows a second "ghost" Novell server volume in volume lists and it no longer reports error -5062 attempting to access the spurious volume.

Non-Roman characters: Retrospect now uses the correct characters in its Browsers under non-Roman character system software (e.g., Hebrew or Arabic).

Chinese: Browsers and lists support simplified Chinese characters, in addition to the existing support of traditional Chinese.

Backup Server: Retrospect polls much faster with a large number of Backup Server sources.

Device Fixes and Improvements

Loader scanning: Under certain conditions Retrospect finds a tape in a loader more quickly.

Sony DAT drives: Retrospect now recognizes drives with older firmware.

Exabyte 8mm drives: Retrospect no longer causes lengthy delays with 8200 and 8200SX drives, resulting in much faster performance.

You can have the updater shipped on a floppy disk by contacting Dantz Customer Service at 510.253.3000. Dantz charges a $10 handling charge for Updater disks shipped to within the United States and $30 for Updater disks shipped outside the U.S.

Download the update .

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