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ScrapIt Pro Updated


Try the utility that made MacUser's list of the top 30 shareware programs of 1995! Anything you can copy to the clipboard can be pasted and stored in a ScrapIt Pro file. Features full support of Apple's latest technology; Drag & Drop, QuickDraw 3D, Speech, and more!

ScrapIt Pro, is the editable, searchable multimedia scrapbook... and a mini-word processor to boot! Need a place to store, sort, display and search all of your text files, sounds, GIF files, JPEG files, QuickDraw 3D files and more? Look no further, ScrapIt Pro is the utility you've been looking for!

Additions to version 5.2:

  • Edit more than 32k of text
  • Export multiple items at one time
  • New text options (like uppercase & lowercase)
  • Import claris emailer files
  • Open a QuickScrap file
  • Can now change the file creators of all exported files

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed Wacom tablet bug when renaming items in the list.
  • Handles GIF file handling much more robust.

Special features found in version 5.x:

  • PowerMac & 680x0 native code!
  • Searchable comments for each item QuickDraw 3D file support
  • Supports ArchiCA
  • Search & Replace * Import from Now Scrapbook(tm) files
  • Import/Export GIF, TIFF, JPEG, sound, TEXT, PICT & EPSF files
  • View GIF, JPEG or QuickDraw 3D items!
  • Sort by date, name or type
  • Gallery mod


ScrapIt Pro is a simple to use yet powerful editable, searchable multimedia scrapbook which will allow you to archive and retrieve anything you can copy to the clipboard, import or Drag & Drop; sounds, PICTures, Text, QuickTime movies, and lots more.... all accessable at the click of a mouse! You can print thumbnail pictures or text lists of all items in any Scrap file. You can quickly and easily search through all the text items, item names or comments in a scrap file to find what you're looking for.

Use it as a mini-word processor and database; create or edit any text items, change fonts, style, size and color! ScrapIt Pro can play sounds or QuickTime movies; view all of a large PICTure by scrolling or shrinking the image to fit in the window; select and copy portions of PICT or Text items.

Some suggested uses: Store frequently used clip-art (GIFs, JPEGs, PICTs, etc.), email, letterhead text or graphics or sounds. Create different files to store different categories of data -- instantly accessible at the click of a mouse! Keep your favorite recipes in one file, quickly create and store notes in another... or store them all together and search by index.

Download ScrapIt Pro


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