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SPeechPrompter Emulates a Teleprompter on a Laptop


The author calls it a is a revolutionary new software application, SPeechPrompter. It does what it name suggests-emulates a teleprompter on a laptop. There is nothing like it on the market. I think this is the first true laptop-specific application (though it runs on desktops also).

SPeechPrompter wasproduced in collaboration with Toastmasters International , a non-profit organization of more than 70 years standing and the world's leader in helping people develop public speaking skills. It has thousands of chapters and millions of members, past and present.

In addition to scrolling a speech or lecture under user control, SPeechPrompter has extraordinary graphical capabilities on the Mac (and only on the Mac). With a Powerbook and the addition of 3 widely available pieces of external equipment (a monitor extension cable, an overhead projector, and an LCD panel), the user can project graphics---slides and movies---to the audience, while the speech scrolls. The user sees the speech, and the audience sees the graphics. The slides and movies can be controlled manually by the speaker, or can be changed to keyed to change automatically at pre-selected lines of the speech or lecture

The slides and movies can be controlled manually by the speaker, or can be changed to keyed to change automatically at pre-selected lines of the speech or lecture.And the graphical sequence can be saved for later use.

The company has hopes for international patent protection, by the way, since this is not a pure data processing program, but has a robotic aspect in that it aims to direct a real-time process in the external world. The US Patent Office has traditionally been more prone to grant robotic software patents than data processing ones. A patent application has been filed.

The list price of SPeechPrompter is $89.95, and it is sold by The Orator Company, 55 Pepper Tree Road, Chula Vista, California 91910, Tel. & Fax 619-420-9150, E-Mail:

Mention this notice, you can receive a copy for $60. But only if you order by fax.


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