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Hits yesterday
Adobe Announces Public Availability of PageMill 2.0 Beta Software, Download hereAdobe Systems Incorporated announced a public beta program for Adobe®PageMill 2.0 Web authoring software. A free, pre-release version |
MacWorld - Apple Plans SMP, 250MHz PowerPCApple Computer Inc. plans to add SMP (symmetric multiprocessing) to the Macintosh OS (operating system), and 250 megahertz (MHz) |
Mac Air Warrior FREE Beta Available, Download HereA new version of Air Warrior is now in FREE open beta |
Free Mac Fonts WWW SiteThe Font Fairy Free Mac Fonts site , tracks hundreds |
Microsoft Lends A Helping Hand To Apple?While attending most any Apple Inc.event and you will hear a slam against Microsoft Corp. |
Symantec Delivers Cafe CompanionSymantec Corporation announced the availability of "Cafe Companion," an exercise-based tutorial |
Survey Reveals Women Are Key Decision-Makers In Computer Purchasing, Apple Rates 2ndWomen are having a significant impact on the types of computer-related products |
Apple Adds new Files, Download Here
10 Year Apple Employee Del Yocam joins Xircom Board of DirectorsXircom Inc. announced that Del Yocam has been named to Xircom's board of directors. |
Hewlett-Packard unveils DeskJet color printersHewlett-Packard Co said it had introduced a new family of professional-quality |
Active Spaces, Uses Apple's Quicktime VRToday Active Spaces Inc. broadcasts the premier episode of Nature Break®; a virtual reality outdoor adventure series for the World Wide Web |
Dallas-Fort Worth Airport To Offer Internet KiosksWith plans to install more than 1,000 Internet kiosks in airports, hotels, and convention centers |
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Hits yesterday
Metrowerks CodeWarrior for BeBoxMetrowerks Inc. today announced a new release of CodeWarrior®for BeBox |
golive Pro 1.1 Web Software Ships at MacWorld, Download Demo & a Full Version of golive 1.1 (std) heregolive Pro 1.1 began shipping. Based on golive 1.0.1, golive Pro 1.1 is Web authoring software |
New WebSTAR Plug-In Version of Tango Application ServerEveryWare Development Corp. announces a WebSTAR plug-in version of its Tango Application Server. |
Dataquest: Microsoft Windows 95 Growth Down 27% from PredictionsMicrosoft Windows 95 operating system is not gaining adherents as fast as previously |
Heidi Roizen Says Mac CD-ROM Sales Data SkewedSoftware developers selling Apple Computer Inc's Macintosh-based applications are getting a bum deal |
COREL Updates WordPerfect 3.5, Download Update HereCorel Corporation announced an updated version of Corel WordPerfect 3.5 for Macintosh and Power Macintosh. |
Corel Announces Coreldraw 6 Suite For Power MacintoshCorel Corporation announced CorelDRAW 6 Suite for Power Macintosh |
NewTek LightWave 3D for PowerMacNewTek, Inc. today announced that the relationship have resulted in a soon to be released version of LightWave 3D |
QUALCOMM Eudora Pro to Republican National Convention AttendeesQUALCOMM plans to offer thousands of copies of its Eudora Pro Internet e-mail software |
NetObjects Patent Applications For Web Site Building ApplicationNetObjects, Inc. today announced that it has filed 15 patent applications for the novel site structuring and page layout features, |
New Apple Developers WebsiteApple announced a new website for Macintosh developers as part of its ongoing efforts to support third-party software creators |
The Cobb Group Launches Inside PerformaThe Cobb Group announced today the launch of Inside Performa, a monthly newsletter and website |
Tango Merchant Electronic Commerce in Record TimeEveryWare announced the release of Tango Merchant, a comprehensive, customizable, on-line shopping solution |
Lotus Notes Now Supported on Apple Network ServersLotus Development Corp. and Apple Computer, Inc. today announced support of Lotus Notes on Apple Network Servers |
Bolero Takes the Guesswork Out of Web Tracking and AnalysisEveryWare Development Corp. announced the immediate availability of Bolero, the most complete Web logging, analysis and reporting system for the Apple Macintosh |
CopyPaste 3.1.1 Released, Download it HereCopyPaste is the leading multiple clipboard and text processing utility and is now better then ever with the release of vesion 3.1.1. |
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This site had a 7,325
Hits this weekend
Tenon Licenses Post OfficeTenon Intersystems announced an agreement with, Inc.,to license the company's flagship server software, Post.Office |
Apple Announces QuickDraw 3D RAVE 1.1Apple announced that a new version of its QuickDraw 3D 1.5 - is expected to be available by the end of September. |
MVP Solutions New Retrieve It!MVP Solutions today released Retrieve It! 2.5, an Internet savvy upgrade to their popular Macintosh find-by-name and find-by-content utility. Retrieve It! |
Extreme 3D Now Supports VRML 2.0, Download Converter HereMacromedia, Inc. announced that Extreme 3D™is now the first cross-platform 3D application to support VRML 2.0, |
Farallon Makes Fast Ethernet EconomicalFarallon Communications, Inc. announced an aggressive industry-leading move to eliminate economic barriers |
Maxum TagBuilder Integrates With Adobe PageMill 2Maxum Development Corp. today announced TagBuilder™a Web page construction utility for Adobe's PageMill™2.0 |
Free Cross Advertising for Mac WWW SitesThe Mac Web Network is acooperative advertising network allows any Mac web authors to advertise |
Maxum Development Upgrades PageSentryMaxum Development announced an upgrade to PageSentry™, the Internet server monitor |
MacMUSE Software Web SiteMacMUSE Software, educational software created on and exclusively for the Macintosh |
Apple Adds New Files Download them HereStylewriter drivers, and Open Transport Exrtras |
ComputerWare's 1,123 Macintosh Vendor LinksComputerWare Mac Links page has Macintosh vendor links having more than 1100 |
LightningDraw Electric and Electrifier Announced at MacworldLari Software today jointly announced Electrifier |
EveryWare's Connected 3.0 Adds High-End FeaturesEveryWare Development Corp. announced Connected 3.0, a new release of its mid-range accounting software |
Maxum Upgrades NetCloak 2.1 and WebLock 1.1Maxum Development announced upgrades to two of its popular Web server tools, NetCloak®and WebLock™ |
Mecklermedia's First Comprehensive Survey of Internet CEOsMecklermedia Corporation announced the publication of the first comprehensive survey of Internet CEOs |
The Virtual Macintosh - A Macintosh O/SimulationThe Virtual Macintosh, an online Macintosh O/Simulation won the Information Highway (I-96) |
CPT Billing, v. 4.0 FileMaker Pro 3.0 TemplatesCPT Billing, v. 4.0, is a set of completely end-user customizable FileMaker Pro 3.0 database templates |
QED Rates Mac #1 in Education Market Share, #1 in PurchaseNew market research shows that Apple Macintosh is the leading computer platform |